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Tombs - Macedonian Tomb of Macridy Bey
Οι τάφοι του Δερβενίου. Τοπογραφικό διάγραμμα.
Ο κρατήρας του Δερβενίου.
Ο πάπυρος του Δερβενίου.
Ο πάπυρος του Δερβενίου.

Derveni tombs

In 1962, during the widening of the road Thessaloniki-Langada, in Derveni, six cist graves, a pit and a single-chamber Macedonian tomb were unearthed. These are directly associated with the ancient Mygdonian city of Lete. The revelation of the above graves, which contained a large number of offerings, was significant for the archaeological research of ancient Macedonia and enriched our knowledge about metalworking in the region.


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