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Description of the edifice - Macedonian Tomb of Macridy Bey
Λίθοι της καμάρας του προθαλάμου από ασβεστόλιθο.
Γεωλογικός χάρτης εύρυτερης περιοχής του μνημείου (πηγή : ΙΓΜΕ).

Description of the edifice

The tomb was set off-center on the western side of the tumulus. It belonged to the type of double-chambered Macedonian tombs. The antechamber and burial chamber, which were of different sizes, were both vaulted. They were built in the pseudo-isodomic system with stone blocks of a brown crystalline limestone laid without mortar in nine courses. The walls and antechamber façade had paintings, fragments of which have survived down to the present.


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