Macedonian Tomb of Makridy Bey
The Macedonian Tomb of Langadas or the “Tomb of Makridy Bey” (after its excavator) is at the south end of the Derveni cemetery. It was a magnificent structure built in the early 3rd century BC for the burial of a single distinguished individual. Following the burial of the deceased, the burial structure and the road (dromos) leading to it were covered by a tumulus, the greater part of which remains preserved today. The tumulus was 19 meters tall and at least 75 meters in diameter. The façade of the tomb had the form of a tetrastyle monument in the Ionic style. In the center of the façade, which was painted, there was a doorway with a two-paneled wooden door and gilt bronze decoration. The door was protected from the thrust of the overlying earthen tumulus by superimposed stone blocks which sealed the tomb’s entrance.